Celebrating 15 Years Living in the USA
Married couple, October 2002. |
My baby in my womb, in 10 weeks pregnancy. |
First night with our new family member. |
Three months old cute baby girl. |
Front Porch |
In this month I was being offered to volunteer as an editor at www.kabarindonesia.com. My husband was happy and asked me to accept it.
- March 2009, I started to write a novel.
- April 2010, my book won Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the category of novel for Spring 2010.
- December 2010-January 2011, for the first time I opened Fiction Class. With great mentors, we had done great job for our students (from Senior High School to College students, workers, entrepreneurs, teachers, and professionals).
- October 2012, my brother passed away. He already read my book, Antusiasme (Enthusiasm in Indonesian version) before he got sick.
- December 2012, my father passed away. He already read my book too, Antusiasme, before he got sick.
- October 2013, graduated from Stratford Career Institute with the Highest Honor in Administrative Assistant/Secretary in one year instead of two years!
- December 2014, for the first time being a Certified Tax Preparer (CTP) under Liberty flag.
- March 2015, I attended a ceremony of being a new US citizen.
- In the end of 2015, I was promoted as a Director on Online Indonesian News based on the citizen reporter, KabarIndonesia.
- March, 2016, I got an offering as a defense language instructor in Indonesian for virtual classes servicing USAF.
- May 2016, I got certification as a certified defense language instructor in Indonesian servicing USAF and several weeks later I got a new job as a Data Entry Analyst in a brand new company.
- September 2016, I got another job as a Data Entry Specialist/Operator at another company (contract).
- December 2016-January 2017, I launched a new online class (Writing Story for Children) after several years I hold my idea to open this class because of unsupported situation and I wasn't ready yet.
- May 2017, I was hired by the company which I worked as a Data Entry Specialist/Operator.
- August 2017, I was chosen and offered to assess a superior class (Advanced Assessment class) for USAF.
- Sept 2017, Advanced Assessment Class will start.
I'll keep looking forward to see the next interesting and challenging journey in my life God guides me.(*)
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Sleepy. Time for resting. About 1 minute ago from web
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