Summer for many people are the time to get more relax and do vacation but not for me this year. This afternoon my daughter went home earlier from school and today is her last day of her school. Besides bringing her Kindergarten certificate, she brought a final report from her teacher--which is excellent--and a bunch of summer homeworks, including reading list, educational activities, and math. First I was thinking, I had to clean her bedroom and create a comfortable room for her to learn and do her summer activities.
My gardening activities has decreased 50% since I'm handling my book marketing which needs a lot of attention to do but I enjoy every single of it and I've learned so much and met many new people. Although it decreases 50%, this year I must be happier because my green-seedless grape plant is fruiting a lot and my another flower plant is blooming after I planted it 4 years ago. What a mircale!! I thought it would never have the flowers but I'm wrong. Now, I've learned a lot about many plants in 4 seasons country.
For my marketing activities, yesterday I have finished creating my online media/press kit by using flash website which is very new for me. I began several months ago every time I had a chance to work on it and tried to adjust using many tools to apply with. Luckily, with my full patience to learn and practice, it's finally done and you can see now everytime you visit this blog. As long as promoting Enthusiasm is the main of my book marketing, I would attach that online media/press kit here or until I change my mind. Let me know what do you think about my new stuff. I will keep updating this flash website everytime I have something new to be added there so please, keep visiting there anytime you have a spare time.
Last week I got an email announcing my on air interview. The schedule changes. It would be broadcasted on Thursday, July 6, 2010 for 24 hours and after that, it will be still there for all visitors who are interested to listen it.
Last week my name has been appeared at Xlibris Author's News about the award I got from NABE. Click this picture below to read the detail info.
In the end of this news I would like to spread the news from one of my favorite artists, Emila Yusof. Right now she is struggling in using internet because her PC is going to die soon. She is able to go online everytime she uses her husband's notebook. Because of so expensive the price of a PC, right now she is collecting the fund from online friends, either to support her via donation or purchasing her creations. Visit her blog and her little shop if you're interested to see the details of her amazing art works. This news is as a help in spreading the words. Good luck, Emila!
Thank you so much for spending your time to read this post.
Have a great and nice summer.
What am I doing right now?
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Preparing to meet my Wal-Mart store manager and Sub-Way Manager for a chance getting a place and time for book signing. Many friends at Wal-Mart are interested to buy my book.
about 1 minute ago from web
Happy weekend sweetie, kiss ur baby girl for me! :D
Good morning Fida! Thank you very much for the lovely gift, love and hugs! :)
Dear Mariuca,
Thank you so much. Your recent post is very wonderful. I would treasure in my blog soon.
I love how you took the angle of those pictures.
Thank you for your appreciation.
Best regards to all.
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