Happy New Year
Well, today is January 5th, 2009. What's new in 2009??
There is nothing new for myself, except several goals and more challanging activities I should pursue. These make me more excited.
Yesterday when I went to church, I was very interested with the topic which the sermon gave,
What Got Us Here; Won't Get Us There.
I noted down 2 special things here that I think you might be interested in them:
1. New Possibilities will require COURAGE (Read Hosea 10:12, Isa 43:18-19)
2. New Problems will require CREATIVITY
This Year our goal is to make 1000 mistakes, because if we make 1000 mistakes, we will have 100 successes. Let's focus on the positives
"The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them," Pr 18:15 (LB)
What am I doing right now?
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Enjoying my day off with some daily activities. But hey, ...check this out. Maybe you are interested to be a part on it. Good Luck!!!
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