A Surprised Achievement
This morning I got a surprise credential when I logged in at Helium. They have chosen me as a Marketplace Premier Writer because of the certain criterias I have met. So, this is good news for me if I am interested to write the articles that publishers need and I'll get paid if my articles are selected although right now this is not my priority but this is good enough to me to know the higher level I got since last year I joint with Helium.
The other good news is my writing level is 67% already. It means if I can write more articles and get high rating which rank on average in the top quarter so I can reach 75%, my writing level will be 2-3 stars depending with the total articles I will write. I am sure someday I will get those stars. Now I should be just happy with my 5 rating stars.
Why I was so interested to join with Helium???
First, I can write in English and this is good enough for me to improve my English in writing skill.
Second, all my writings will be rated by other Helium members/writers, so I will know the quality of my writings through comparing with other writers that wrote the same topics like me.
Third, I got the awards that can stimulate me to write more quality and will bring me to higher level of opportunity to write, like for Marketplace or other contests, etc.
Fourth, I also can learn many things about writing from other writers/Helium members or from the writer forum at Helium.
Fifth, I have fun because I also can earn little bit money from there. This is not my priority because I know that I will never get a lot of money from there except if I really write at least 1 article everyday at Helium and get highly rating. No, no,....my main activities and projects are more important than that. But, I am really glad with Helium, because they are really professional in running this website that has had thousands writers already and many of them are great writers from around the world, especially from USA and Europe.
If you are interested to join with Helium especially to improve your English skill in writing, why you don't try right now? Just go to this link and click log out then click Join Helium Today.
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My Projects are still running. Other good news is I got Badge 'Marketplace Premier Writer' from Helium. WOW! I'll keep in fire in writing, he, he...
less than 20 seconds ago from web
Fida, congratulations! You earn it! I've been with Helium since I found your entry abt them earlier this year, but haven't written anything yet :-(
Wooow! I feel so excited and also encouraged hearing this. Keep up the good work Fida!
Hi G,
I'm glad to know that you have joint already.
Have happy writing!
Hi Fida!
I'm Barbara Whitlock from Helium, and I just wanted to send you a shout out -- way to go. We're delighted to have you in our community, and I encourage all those who have knowledge to share to consider joining our site. We offer upfront payments for knowledge-based articles and we have the most supportive and helpful writing community on the web, or so our writers tell me! Fida's a perfect example. If you'd like to connect with a steward to help you find good titles to made your content, or custom create some for you, let me know: bwhitlock@helium.com.
Hi Barbara,
It is very honored I got a great surprise from your visiting to my Blog.
Thank you for the compliment and offering. I'll someday soon will do it. This month and next month will be busy months I ever have in this year.
Have great weekend,
Fida Abbott
selamat atas keberhasilan sis fida.
sukses ya
halo Fida, congratulations ya. Tadi malam, aku juga penasaran ttg apa itu Helium, kirain buat web untuk training nulis or something. Jadi aku juga udah register, but kelihatannya disitu serius banget lho.
Saya juga lihat kalo fida udah nulis sampe 50-an article. It's great. Proud of it.
Aku juga nanti kalo ada topik yg ringan dan gampang, plus ada waktu mau coba nulis. Ups, banyak syaratnya ya?
Btw, conratulation.
Oya, mengenai your Award, aku udah siapin satu artikel. Udah lama sih tapi belum pernah di publish di blog-ku.
Jed, thanks ya utk kunjungan dan supportnya.
Kaka, thanks ya.
Is it your first visit here???
I hope you enjoy your visit at my Blog.
Regards from PA
Yeaaaa, posting cepetan ya. Boleh di Blogmu atau di www.kabarindonesia.com bila memang Nancy ingin postingannya menjadi berkat lebih banyak orang lagi. Daftar jadi Penulis di sana dgn klik 'Daftar Jadi Penulis' dan stlh account diaktifkan, maka Nancy sudah siap utk kirim tulisannya di sana.
I can not wait to read your entry.
wah ternyata ptulis di helium juga tohhh hehehe...aku sejak 6 bulan yg lalu udah vakum trus heheheh
Hello Christy,
Terima kasih atas kunjungan perdananya, semoga berkesan!!
Salam dari PA
aduh bolot juga yah gue, kagak dibaca semua dulu hahahhaha
ntar yah aku tulis....tapi kagak janji yah soale aku ada 3 jobs :(
Santai saja, nggak usah panjang-panjang. Yang penting menarik. Itu kalau nggak ada waktu loh, he, he....
Thanks atas respon & kunjungan keduanya.
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