GodTube Exclusive Videos
On August 24th, 2008 I wrote an article at KabarIndonesia titled, Mengapa Ingin Menjadi Presiden? (a. 74th). This article was inspired by 2 videos I got from GodTube Exclusive Video: Obama and McCain Address Faith-Based Issues. There were 19 videos list has been sent to me. Here, an email they sent it:
History was made when presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and John McCain made their first joint appearance of the 2008 campaign at the first ever televised forum led by one of our nation’s leading pastors, Dr. Rick Warren of Saddleback Church.
If you missed this unprecedented event, not to worry — GodTube has partnered with the Saddleback Civil Forum to provide exclusive clips for our users to get you involved in the discussions. Watch these clips, rate them and share what you think about the candidates and where they stand on the issues that matter to you!
* Why do you want to be president? Obama - McCain
* Does evil exist? Obama - McCain
* Define “marriage”. Obama - McCain
* What is your stance on abortion? Obama - McCain
* What is your stance on stem cell research? Obama - McCain
* What does being a Christian mean to you? Obama - McCain
* What do you think about religious persecution? Obama - McCain
* What is your stance on federal funding of faith-based organizations? Obama - McCain
* What do you consider your greatest moral failure to be? What is America’s? Obama - McCain
* Who are the three wisest people in your life? Obama - McCain
* Name one instance when you went against party loyalty. Obama - McCain
* Name one instance when you flip-flopped on an issue. Obama - McCain
* What is the most gut-wrenching decision you’ve ever had to make? Obama - McCain
* Which existing Supreme Court Judge would you not have nominated? Obama - McCain
* What is your stance on merit-based pay for teachers? Obama - McCain
* Define “rich”. Obama - McCain
* What cause is worth our troops dying for? Obama - McCain
* Would you consider creating an emergency plan for orphans? Obama - McCain
* What do you say to the people who oppose you answering these questions in a church?
Obama - McCain
We understand that the very nature of politics lends itself to discussion, debate and disagreement. We ask that you keep this in mind and show proper respect in all your dialogue. Per our Terms of Use, we will remove comments attacking the opinions, values or respectfully stated beliefs of others.
Get your family and friends involved in the discussion! Pass this email along to them so they can see the candidates’ stances on the issues that matter most.
Your Friends at GodTube
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I'm glad today (8/24/08). My 2 writings are on the top rank at Helium. They are the 2nd and the 3rd articles I ever wrote there. Check them out at here and here
7 minutes ago from web
Halo Fida, kamu ngikutin juga kampanya pemilihan presiden US ya.
Rick Warren memang luar biasa. PAstor yang paling di hormati dan paling berpengaruh di AS.
Hi Nancy....
Terima kasih telah ninggalin komentar di sini. Oh iya Nancy belum me-link. Berharap lain waktu tidak lupa ya...
Have great day!
Mbak Fida, saya malahan baca artikelnya yg di Helium ttg bgmana sampai memutuskan utk ikut suami ke PA, dan justru mau komentarnya soal itu bukan soal Obama, ga papa ya.. (^_-)
Artikel itu sangat menyentuh dan yg luarbiasa adalah pancaran iman, keyakinan bahwa mmg TUHAN turut bekerja dalam segala hal bagi kita, I do believe that too, regardless of all circumstances, He is in control and nothing is impossible with Him.
Thanks banget for sharing your life, it IS a great blessing to witness how GREAT our God is involved in our life through everything (good or bad) in everything and He can use ALL things to bless us.
LOVE in Christ!
Hello Gratcia, nggak apa-apa kok. Bebas di Blog ini, asal bukan spam aja, he, he...
Thanks ya sudah sediain waktu utk baca-baca.
Have great weekend.
Big Hug from me.
akhirnya saya bisa menemukan blognya penulis besar. jadi pingin blajar banyak soal menulis. tapi berkenan ga ya bu Guru Frida anya
Wah diaminkan ya Mas Gus. Suatu saat semoga apa yg dikatakan Mas Gus jadi kenyataan.
Ha, ha,....dpt murid baru nih,.....Welcome at my Blog Mas Gus!!!
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