Give the gift of inspiration

Designed to fire up your interest, Enthusiasm is a fascinating and hopeful novel based on the author’s own true story. In this exceptional masterpiece, Abbott narrates the journey of her life and shares how enthusiasm plays a vital role in pursuing her dream in the writing world—with English as her second language—in her new country.

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.

Through Enthusiasm: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story, you will be affected by the author’s wonderful story. Filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm, this book will draw out the best within your heart and mind.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Journey Beyond Easter

As like Christmas, Easter is one of important parts of our Savior's journey and for us to celebrate as Christians.  We celebrate Life! The winning of life! The implementation in our life to share with others is simple. It is how others see us in our daily life. To fulfill this vision we need to act. According one of the sources I read today, mentions: 
* Nourish our soul and mind
Our Daily Bread helps me to be reminded everyday. Using online ODB in Indonesian, my soul and mind are renewed again. Reading books is also one of the smart choices. My lunch time at work is the perfect time to do this. One more thing: singing/praise Him or listening the worship songs.
* Study the Word
It has been answered above. Attending Sunday service and listen the sermon. I always encourage my little daughter to attend Sunday school and other activities that connects with her growing Christianity life: 5 Life every month and Camp Good News every summer. If there is Bible study available, I'll send her there too. 
* Grow together
Going to church together, praying together, sharing together, watching His story together, and any activities that can build our Christianity life I'll do it with my family and close friends. 
* Teach our kids about Him
I read what my little daughter read: The Bible adventure. I have trained her since she started to read independently (Second grade). I gave her as Christmas present and till now she is still reading it. We read and pray. Our Father in Heaven prayer is a must prayer said before going to sleep. 
* Remember the cross
This is not an easy part. As we struggle in many things happened in our life, it is the right moment to remember the cross. We are not alone. He has carried us on her back. He bears our burdens and sets us free. (Thank you God)
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God, please, help me to learn what you want me to do to follow your steps so I won't be outside of the lines from what you have planned. If I may ask, could you please show me if my plans are as same as yours? about 1 minute ago from web

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Special March 2015

I used to celebrate February as my special month. It is the month when the first time I breathed the earth air, first time blogging, and first time to have my first novel, Enthusiasm, published in the USA and Indonesia within 2 years.

This year I prefer March becomes my special month. A month where God gives me the Promised Land officially that I never thought before I met my soul-mate. I could feel my father and my brother in heaven were happy to see me happy with my whole family members. They also didn't need to worry when I visited my hometown next several years.

Thank you everyone who had involved throughout the long process--family members and friends. Huge appreciation for your great supports. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Next steps are in the progress now and I asked His guidance and blessings to reach one of my dreams: visiting beautiful and exotic Indonesia.

These pictures are the representation of my special celebration this month, March 2, 2015. Thank you Ruth for taking these all pictures.

During ceremony, they played a video accompanied by the song I attached in the end of this post. Hardly I held my tears, wishing my father and my brother could hear my voice singing this song even though none of words came out from my mouth.***

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God, please listen and answer my prayers! Thank you. about 1 minute ago from web


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