Dear family, friends, bloggers, facebookers, and anyone else,
I have been visiting the Authors Show announcement page and found out my name is on the top list of 113 finalist in alphabetical order (it surprised me because several days ago it was listed alphabetically so my name that starts with letter "F" was located in the middle) and my essay is on the page 59-61. My finalist number is 61. Next, I will be waiting and see who would give me a vote. Public voting will be held on Oct 1-10 (US time) at midnight. It means in Indonesia will end on Oct 11 at 12.00 WIB.GOOD NEWS FOR BLOGGERS!!!
1. Please, participate to give me a vote. Go to this link, read my essay on the page 59-61, vote me, and let me know by leaving a message in this post. By participating, you will get a prize: 150EC (if you're an Entrecard member), be listed in my supporters page in this blog and your name will appear on the thank and both of them will be linked to your blog (post will be available after the contest done). Two links will be great to increase your blog's SEO. You have 10 days to participate in voting.
2. After you vote me, if you like, you can participate in the second step, if not, then it's fine, too. The second step is easy. You just need to write a short inviting post to vote me using your own words. Your Title can be "Free hundreds EC by participating in Fida's Invitation" or you can make your own title and be creative. You just need enclose 4 links. The first link: write my name Fida Abbott and link it to this post. The second link: please, write "Vote Fida Abbott who is on the Top List of 113 Finalist in Alphabetical Order" and link it to this link (Announcement page). The third link: please, write "Read Fida Abbott's Essay on the page 59-61!" and link it to this essay page, and the fourth link: please, write "Vote Fida Abbott #61" and link it to the voting page. Don't forget to attach the digital seal above in your post so your fellow readers/bloggers/visitors will recognize the kind of the contest seal. By participating to this second step, you will get a prize: 200 EC (if you are an Entrecard member. This chance will not be available on Oct 9 (US time) so please, make sure to write a post before that date and let me know by leaving a message in this post. It means you only have 8 days to write this post (Oct 1-5). Also please, remember that your post should be exist till Oct 12, 2011. After that date, you may keep it posted or delete it.
To every blogger who is able to post on Oct 1-2, I'll give more extra prize: 100 EC. Total, you will get 450 EC. Does it sound good?
But Remember, you must vote me first before writing your post!!! It means you cannot do the second step without doing the first step.
Thank you for reading this post. Every family members, friends, bloggers and facebookers, I will wait for your participation. (*)

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So sleepy. I'll go to sleep soon and will do my homework tomorrow, early in the morning.
about 1 minute ago from web
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