Give the gift of inspiration

Designed to fire up your interest, Enthusiasm is a fascinating and hopeful novel based on the author’s own true story. In this exceptional masterpiece, Abbott narrates the journey of her life and shares how enthusiasm plays a vital role in pursuing her dream in the writing world—with English as her second language—in her new country.

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.

Through Enthusiasm: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story, you will be affected by the author’s wonderful story. Filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm, this book will draw out the best within your heart and mind.

Available in paperback, hardcover and e-book. Get free S+H, visit these websites:

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

NOVEL ENTHUSIASM: 2010 Photo and Review Contest

Dear bloggers, facebookers, non bloggers, and non facebookers,

I would like to invite you to participate in my Photo and Review Contest. This contest will accept all international entries. All submitted online reviews will be linked at All participants for Photo and Review Contest will get free 2011 Enthusiasm Wallet Calenders or Magnet Calenders sent directly to their home addresses. Special for every blogger participant who is also an Entrecard member will get a bonus 100 EC for each photo or review entry.

In order to be a participant, please follow the rules below:

Photo Contest
1. Write the post title: BOOK PHOTO CONTEST: .... (Please, write your own subtitle. Be creative!)
2. Attach a nice photo of you and my book (you are showing my front book cover), Enthusiasm, under your post title.
3. Write your comment under your photo. Be free to express your feeling: you can describe your own photo and/ or write what you have gotten or learned from reading my book, and/ or share your experiences during period of reading my book, etc.
4. Write the day and date of your photo taken and the name of the person who has helped taking your picture with my book.

Example: Photo taken on Saturday, July 17, 2010 by my sister, Imelda.

5. Special for Blogger: Attach a contest banner below to show the end of your entry and linked to this post.
6. If you're a blogger, please, let me know by giving me a link of your submission through the comment column in this post. If you're a facebooker, you don't need to attach a banner above but please, tag your post to your friends, including me so I will know that you've participated in this photo contest;
7. If you're not a blogger or a facebooker, send your photo to my email address. You can contact me via email--please, visit, click "Contact" and click "Email"; or you can fill out the contact person form at You can send your photo and comment after I reply you.
8. Remember, you don't need to buy my book in order to participate in this contest. Probably you borrow my book from your friends, your family or library;
9. You can write your comment either in English or Indonesian;
10. Submitting period will end on September 30, 2010;
11. Every participant may not submit more than one photo;
12. The photo post (for blogger) may not be deleted before a winner is announced on October 5, 2010.
Winner Prizes:
1. An exclusive 2011 Enthusiasm calender: included the winner photo, her/his comment, and her URL's blog if he/she is a blogger. The winner will be asked to send the original photo at least 512x384 Screen Resolution or higher in order to get the high photo quality.
2. An Enthusiasm Pen
3. If you're a blogger and as Entrecard member, you will get a bonus of 2000 EC

- Exclusive 2011 Enthusiasm Calender is not for sale. It will be used by Author as a gift and personal collection. All photos submitted will be collected personally by Author.

Review Contest

1. Write the post title: BOOK REVIEW CONTEST: .... (Please, write your own sub title. Be creative in order to attrack your readers);
2. Attach this picture below under your post title;

3. Please, enclose these book information under the book picture:

Book Title: Enthusiasm
Book Sub Title: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story
Author: Fida R. Abbott
Book Genre: Inspirational Novel
ISBN Softcover: 978-1-4500-3074-8
ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4500-3075-5
ISBN e-Book: 978-1-4500-4551-3
Pages: 261
Media Kit:
Reviewer: (Please, write your name)

4. Write your review. If you're a blogger, please, let me know by giving me a link of your submission through the comment column in this post. If you're a facebooker, please, tag your post to your friends and include me so I will know that you've participated in this review contest;
5. If you're not a blogger or a facebooker, send your review to any online book stores: Amazon, BN, etc, or to my email address or my home address (by mail). Special for contestants who would like to send a review by email, you can contact me by visiting, click "Contact" and click "Email"; or you can fill out the contact person form at You can send your review after I reply you. For Non Bloggers and Non Facebookers contestants, you don't need to follow the rules from number 1 to number 4--just write your title and review and send it to me.
6. Remember, you don't need to buy my book in order to participate in this contest. Probably you borrow my book from your friends, your family or library;
7. You can write your review either in English or Indonesian;
8. Submitting period ends September 30, 2010;
9. Every participant may not submit more than one review;
10. The review post (for blogger) may not be deleted before a winner is announced on October 5, 2010.

Winner Prizes:
1. The Second Book of Amerindo Kitchen in Series. Printed in 9" x 7", casewrap-hardcover binding, white interior paper (80# weight), full-color interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. It's perfect for book collectors and it's great for a special gift.
2. An Enthusiasm Pen
3. If you're a blogger and as Entrecard member, you will get a bonus of 2000 EC

Review Winner Special Complimentary:
The winner's review will be linked at Enthusiasm Online Media Kit at

- All reviews that have been received by author, sent by email, mail or any online bookstores before July 22, 2010 are automatically entered in this review contest.

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Good Luck!


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about 1 minute ago from web


bluedreamer27 12:00 PM  

hi fida here's my entry

Theivaa 3:59 AM  

Hi Fida, I'm Theivaa from Malaysia and Viviana's friend. I submitted Enthusiasm novel photo and review contest. Please have a look at:
Thanks and I'm glad to know you. Viviana lent me the book.

Fida Abbott 5:24 PM  

BD and Theivaa,
Thanks a lot for your support by participating in these contests.

Good Luck!


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