Give the gift of inspiration

Designed to fire up your interest, Enthusiasm is a fascinating and hopeful novel based on the author’s own true story. In this exceptional masterpiece, Abbott narrates the journey of her life and shares how enthusiasm plays a vital role in pursuing her dream in the writing world—with English as her second language—in her new country.

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.

Through Enthusiasm: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story, you will be affected by the author’s wonderful story. Filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm, this book will draw out the best within your heart and mind.

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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My Appreciation to HOKI Team and Viviana Widjaja

I thank God for His blessing given to me. It's not only in my real life but also in my cyber life. I have many supported friends that I need to write them in long list to mention their names. And in this special post, I would like to give my special appreciation to all my friends in HOKI Team (Harian Online who have given me a huge support by giving me a chance to publish an interview and a book review written by Viviana Widjaja. They also gave me a special gift by making a flash banner for my book Enthusiasm and linking it to Amazon that you can see it at the front page of KabarIndonesia website.

Special about Viviana, I have an interesting story how I met her. Last year I got a first comment from her in a post in this blog. From there we started to know each other. I visited her blog and she visited my blogs. One day she added me at her Facebook Friend List and from there finally I knew we both were from the same university, UPN Surabaya. I graduated from Agriculture faculty and she graduated from Chemical Engineering faculty. Now she lives in Malaysia and have two children.

Another surprise I got from her. Last week she has just known from reading my book story, "Enthusiasm", that I ever took French class at French consulate (CCCL Surabaya) in Surabaya where she took the same course there. What a small world!! Does it happen accidentally? I don't think so. I believe He had prepared her--when I was finishing to write Enthusiasm--to become a part in "Enthusiasm" long journey so my book can bring blessing more and more to fellow readers. Now I have seen she has been in many parts of Enthusiasm journey and I am so proud to have her as a friend in cyber world. Thank you, Viviana for your attention, support and interest to make Enthusiasm shiny more and more.

Viviana Widjaja is a work at home mom of two kids, living in Malaysia with many interests. She runs an online toys store, Kidzpuzzle and shares her knowledge and experience in parenting at Resources for Moms and Kids as well as professional blogging at Guide to Pro Blogging. She is also one of the team leaders in The Million Dollar Mom besides running Internet Business Strategy Training Centre and coaching moms who want to build their internet network marketing home business. She passionately encourages every mom to build an online home business and embrace internet skills.


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Viviana 8:52 PM  

I can't hold my tears reading what you described about me. It's weird that we never met in the past though we went to the same places such as uni and french course. I get to know you personally from your novel. You inspire and encourage people. I really hope that people who inspire to be writers gain your wisdom and creative ideas.

Fida Abbott 1:02 AM  

Now, your comment gives me tears. I would hug you tightly when you are in front of me. God shows us that long distcance friendship/relationship won't never die. Love and attention can win everything.
Thank you, Viviana. I think HE has chosen you to make Enthusiasm run smoothly.


bluedreamer27 8:46 PM  

so lovely.. i am so happy for you Fida.. i know you will have many more blessings to come..

Fida Abbott 8:51 PM  

Amen, BD.
Thank you for your comment.

Have a nice morning.


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