Give the gift of inspiration

Designed to fire up your interest, Enthusiasm is a fascinating and hopeful novel based on the author’s own true story. In this exceptional masterpiece, Abbott narrates the journey of her life and shares how enthusiasm plays a vital role in pursuing her dream in the writing world—with English as her second language—in her new country.

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.

Through Enthusiasm: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story, you will be affected by the author’s wonderful story. Filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm, this book will draw out the best within your heart and mind.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Special Things in My Birthday

Today is my birthday. Guess, what the special things I would like to share with you, guys?

First, I thank God, finally my novel will be realesed soon in the next couple weeks (maybe in the beginning of the next month or maybe earlier). I thought it would be my best birthday gift I ever give to myself. So I have decided to hire a manager for this need. Who is he? Well, I attach his photo here and let me introduce his name: Gregory Abbott. If anybody would need more info regarding book signing, interview or other events engaging with my novel, please leave a message here and it will be forwarded to him directly. Don't forget to leave your phone number or email address to be able to contact you.

Second, yesterday I got a surprise gift. What is that? Well, if you can guess what it is, there will be a special gift for the first person who has the right answer. Take a look for my Chaiku Poem below that I wrote last night. Hurry up! Remember, the first person who gives the right answer will get a special gift from me.

2010 Birthday Gift

My birthday gift
the most special
a surprise gift
I expected

Little tiny
head and body
toes and fingers
soft and dark hair

My birthday gift
will be brought soon
to my real world
in next nine months

Now he or she
still in my womb
warm and secure

Cry is the sign
the gift of life
the gift of mine
the happiness


What am I doing right now?

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We got another huge snow yesterday. It is over 1 ft. Now, it's my husband time to solve the snow outside.
about 1 minute ago from web


Mariuca 10:19 AM  

Happy Birthday Fida!! I hope u have a wonderful time today with ur baby girl and hubby, love and hugs! :)

Mariuca 10:19 AM  

As for ur surprise gift, OMG ur expecting another baby??? Congrats!!! Oooh that is indeed a wonderful gift! :)

Mariuca 10:21 AM  

And congratulations on your first novel, omg this is truly exciting Fida! I wish u success and would love to see ur novel here at ur blog, wonderful accomplishment! :):):)

Fida Abbott 6:16 AM  

Dear Mariuca,

Thank you so much for your attention. Blogospher is blessed to have you around as a great blogger.

I hope everything is as my expectation. I'm so nervous and can not wait to see my doctor soon, meanwhile we still have a huge snow here.

Thank you for your support.

Henny Listyowati 6:10 PM  

Halo Mbak Fida,

Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk mengucapkan salam bahagia. Selamat Ulang Tahun, saya percaya bahwa Tuhan Yesus senantiasa memberikan hikmat bijaksana di setiap detik kehidupan yang dilalui.

Semoga sehat selalu, dan semakin bijak mendidik putra putri. Amin

Salam damai,

Henny Listyowati

Blue Jasmine 2:04 AM  

Yaaaaahhhhh...telat bacanya...hehehe...! once again double congratz, ya, Mbak!

Fida Abbott 7:27 AM  

Dear Henny,

Terima kasih ucapannya dan doanya.
Selamat berakhir pekan dan happy blogging ya.

Fida Abbott 7:29 AM  

Hello BJ,

Thank you so much. Nggak telat kok bacanya, masih fresh dan hangat, he, he...

Met weekend and happy blogging.

Blanca 1:35 PM  

Happy Birthday Fida!!!

And what wonderful gifts!!! A novel and a baby... God truly is great.



Fida Abbott 7:15 AM  

Hi Blanca,

Thank you so much for your visit and first comment here.
It's nice to have a new friends in blogosphere.

Happy Valentines day.

Stephanie Setiyadi 10:36 PM  

Mbak Fid,
Waduh aku ktinggalan berita.. maap telat. Happy belated bday mbak fid! Hopefully makin sukses dalam karir, keluarga, kesehatan n also little baby soon... wah senenk bgt denger ariel bakal jadi calon sister..
Mbak Fid bikin novel apa?? Jadi tertarik membaca neh...

Salam panas' dari Surabaya

Fida Abbott 6:57 AM  

Terima kasih ya Fani utk ucapan & doanya, meski telat gak apa-apa.

Info novelnya nanti aku beritahu ya kalau sudah publish.

Salam dingin dari PA


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