Give the gift of inspiration

Designed to fire up your interest, Enthusiasm is a fascinating and hopeful novel based on the author’s own true story. In this exceptional masterpiece, Abbott narrates the journey of her life and shares how enthusiasm plays a vital role in pursuing her dream in the writing world—with English as her second language—in her new country.

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.

Through Enthusiasm: A Novel Based on the Author's Own True Story, you will be affected by the author’s wonderful story. Filled with hope and inspiration, strength and enthusiasm, this book will draw out the best within your heart and mind.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Free E-BOOK, Free E-BOOK !!!

Success is a mindset. It’s not a journey, nor a destination. It is already within you. ~ Jennie S. Bev

After I downloaded and read her great e-book, I realized that I have had already like what she has thought before I read her e-book. The differences are I am not as tall as like her (172 cm) and hasn't been a very big success person like her (he,he....sorry, just kidding). Because of my impression of her especially of her kindness for being a free giver of her e-book for Indonesians, I wrote a short article about this e-book with the title : TERMASUK ORANG SUKSES-KAH ANDA??? (Are you a success person???) at KabarIndonesia, the online newspaper as my 18th article there with a goal; everbody who is interested to read more
about her and would like to know the real meaning of the mindset of success, you can download it from there as I have enclosed her website address in my article. Don't wait too long because it will be closed till April 30th, 2007.

To everybody who would like to read her Blog in English and also to know more about her,
you may visit at here.

Enjoy and be a success person !!!!


Jennie S. Bev 12:45 PM  

Wah Fida, makasih ulasannya. Tapi saya cuma 172 cm, bukan 175 cm, lho. "Mengecewakan" 3 cm kayaknya. ;)

Jennie S. Bev

Fida Abbott 1:16 PM  

Ha,ha....salah nih ya. OK ntar kuperbaiki. Trims berat udah visit dan baca postingan ini juga memberi komentarnya. Sunguh luar biasa sudah dikunjungi oleh anda.

Trims berat dan salam hangat dariku.

dung2x 11:31 PM  

Fidaaa... aku minta a copy of the ebook dong... boleh tak?

Kirim ke kalo boleh yaaa...

Makasi2... :D

Fida Abbott 11:55 AM  

Dung-dung yang baik,

Wah sayangnya ya kok nggak bisa. Bukannya aku nggak mau, tetapi Penulisnya sudah menutup pendownloadannya dan sbg rule-nya kita kita yg sudah mendownload e-booknya tidak diperkenankan untuk menyebarluaskannya. Karena sekarang sdg diproses penerbitannya dan sekitar akhir mei atau awal Juni bukunya itu akan beredar di toko-toko buku di Indonesia. Aku sudah nulis review bukunya di postingan terbaruku di sini. Jadi mohon hunting ya utk beli bukunya itu, sekaligus dgn membeli bukunya itu, Dung-dung otomatis sebagai penyumbang dana untuk anak-anak terlantar dan mereka yg hidup di panti-panti asuhan.

Thanks for your interest.



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