This picture is taken from daily Indonesia Newspaper, Jawa Pos (A boat still stays landing on the top of the house in Aceh, Indonesia right now after Tsunami tragedy in 2004).
Reflection of New Year 2007 :
On December 26, 2004, an earthquake shook the whole earth. Many people didn’t feel it, but the South Asian region and parts of Africa suffered a devastating tsunami as a result. According to reporter Randolph Schmid, however, “No point on Earth remained undisturbed”. That earthquake, he tells us, “shook the ground everywhere on Earth’s surface”.
The 19th-century, Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard says that his world was rocked when his religious father told him he had cursed God for the mistreatment he was getting from others. His father’s actions shook Søren so much that he called the event “The Great Earthquake”. He wondered for the rest of his life if his family was cursed by God for his father’s actions.
Maybe we have had “earthquakes” in our lives too. But it’s comforting to know that under the worst of circumstances, our faith in God can—and will—hold us fast. After all, “He has got the whole world in His hands”, and that means “He has got you and me, brother and sister, in His hands".
No one, nor any disaster, can snatch us out of our heavenly Father’s hands (John 10:28-29). His grip will hold us into all eternity. —Vernon C Grounds
Our unknown future is secure in the hands of our all-knowing
Give the gift of inspiration

Here, she exemplifies her experiences, her family and relationships, her inspirations, and her passage towards her remarkable goals. This novel is a reflection of her own life, how she faces obstacles, how she handles life, how she inspires others, how she touches other people’s lives through her works, and how she achieved the amazing successes of her life and endeavors—a perfect blend of life’s spices.
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
My Collection Photographs in KI
In closing of the end of the year 2006 my photographs may attend in Online Newspaper, Kabar Indonesia.
My Favorite Daffodil
It is about my favorite Daffodil that I planted in the autumn 2005 and grew and bloomed in the spring 2006 (Original Photograph). Then my husband had fixed it likes an artist (he,he...)
My Favorite Lily
It is about my favorite Lily that I planted in the autumn 2005 and grew and bloomed in the summer 2006. It had very sweet smelling (Hmmm...)
A quest at my garden
It is about a Bug that I didn't know its name who had visited my Violet Dot.
I saved this Cycas
It is about my dying Cycas that was almost die but I could save it. Right now with its new healthier leaves, it is standing at the corner of my dinning room.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 4:05 PM 2 comments
Labels: Photographs
Friday, December 29, 2006
Photographs by Grand Sport Auto Body
Saturday, early in the morning, December 23rd, 2006 (around 4.30 - 5.10 a.m)
The following road from Walmart, Parkesburg to Route 30 was so quite. I was so peace in my driving to home. I saw several cars in front of me got ready to move and crossed the intersection on the green light and only me who turned right. After finishing my right turning and starting to move straight suddenly “Brak!!!” …..I had no any idea where a Big Trailer Truck came from and hit my left car, exactly on the left door. I just remembered I screamed automatically and could not handle the stirring. My car spun several times and finally hit the curb. I was so lucky there was no other cars behind me. If not, I didn’t know how I would be.
I could go out from the car easily because the left door was opened and had terrible damage. I tried to see in the dark if the Trailer Truck Driver stopped but he didn’t. So with my bleeding left hand I tried to get a help but there were no drivers passed by. I decided to walk in the middle of the street and waiting for the other drivers passed by. Around 1-2 minutes finally I saw a car came by. I lifted my both hands and moved them crossed giving the sign to stop and I yelled, “Help!! Help!!” but she/he didn’t stop neither were other second and third cars. I almost gave up and ….thanks God the fourth car stopped that came from the same road where I came from. I told him what was happened with me. He wanted to bring me to the Police but I refused him. I showed him my bleeding left hand and I didn’t want to leave my car. I asked him to call the Police. Then I saw 2 other cars stopped and the drivers called 911. I told them what was happened. One of them was a Nurse. She helped me carrying out some stuff from inside the car. In my panic situation I still could find my cell phone and made a call to my husband.
Around 3 minutes the 911 crews and Policemen came. Sometimes I screamed when they tried to touch my left hand. It was so pain and very cold. My left hand was shaking, maybe because of the opened skin and cold weather. When I told them everything about a Trailer Truck Driver passed the red light with the high speed, a man who came couple minutes after them said, “I was driving”. Then I stared at him and yelled him, “You did it!! What was happened with you??? Why you drove so fast??...”. I hadn’t finished my words, he stood up and left me walking to my car. After that I didn’t see him again. A Policeman said to me that they had had him. I hoped they would ask me more questions but they didn’t. It was a pity there were no evidences. I just could hope the truck driver would tell the real story.
They brought me to the Emergency Room at Brandywine Hospital. They did the X-ray to my left fingers. Thanks to GOD they were fine, no broken bones. I still kept cleaning my whole body from the small pieces of the mirrors. The Doctor said that they designed the mirror like that so it would not hurt the passengers when they got the accident. I found them on my eyes, hair, my back and many in my mouth. It made me spiting many times.
After around 5 hours in the Emergency Room, they let me go home because there were nothing to be worried about. The rent car man picked me up and drove me home. My husband hugged me and glad seeing me fine. But after he knew how the car looked like, he was sure that was a great miracle that I was still alive. My car was totally damaged of the left side and it was a strange to see that I was still alive and didn’t have serious injury in my body
Sunday afternoon, December 24th, 2006
I called my brother telling him about my car accident. I said to him that I was safe because I wore the seat belt and because of God had protected me too. HE saved my life. I never missed to pray before leaving the house especially every time I went to work.
After I finished telling the whole story, he asked me when and what time the car accident was happened. I answered him and then I heard he said, “How could it happened with us. I got a motorcycle accident too at the same day but couple hours earlier than you. I was Ok, I just had small wound on my hands and knees. And the funny things, there were nobody there as the evidence. It was same like you. Oh…. this is Christmas present for us”. We laughed together. Inside of my heart said, “Thank you, GOD!!! I am still alive.”
I thought what my brother said was true. Our safety from the accidents are the present from Him. “Life” present was the most important in the life. I said to my husband that God had given me ‘Life’ as the Christmas present of that year. I would never forget it. My life was more important than anything, so I still had a chance to serve Him through my family, my friends, the community around me and other activities that needed my help.
Monday, December 25th, 2006
It was Christmas. Although I felt whole of my body was so pain and my head felt strange, I never stopped to thank to God. I still had Christmas to celebrate with my whole family. Everybody looked so happy when they looked at me smiling. It was a sign that I had no sadness but thank to God. My car insurance had taken care of everything, so there were nothing to be worried of.
Thank you God for all of your blessings and the ‘Life’ present you had given me already. Christmas 2006 was my special Christmas I ever had.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 12:17 PM 7 comments
Labels: Christmas, News, Photographs, Reflection, Sharing
TANTANGAN (The Challenge)
For the second time the on line newspaper, Kabar Indonesia (Indonesia News) has published my second article, TANTANGAN (The Challenge) for Economy section.
It is about my simple description of Indonesia products I found at Dollar Stores or Family Dollar Stores are around 1% or less. Most of them come from/made in China. My small survey can tell that for the quality, Indonesia products are good, more than average but it isn't satisfied if I see their quantity.
Through my simple description, I would like to open the eyes of the Indonesia Entrepreneur/Industrialist/Businessman and Indonesia Government to see a challenge in increasing the devisa (i.e. Income from export) from these markets.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Economy
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Love was when God become a man
Locked in time and space
Without rank or place
Love was God born of Jewish skin
Just a carpenter with some fishermen
Love was when Jesus walked in history
Lovingly He brought a new live that’s free
Love was God nailed to bleed and die
to reach and love one such as I
(by John E.Walvoord & Don Wrytzen)
* Best Wishes from Us *
Posted by Fida Abbott at 12:03 PM 5 comments
Labels: Occasion Greeting, Reflection
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My First Article is published in Kabar Indonesia
Dear Family and friends,
I just want to share about my first article 'PRIHATIN' (Tenderly) using my Mother Language is published at Kabar Indonesia. It is about Illegal Indonesians who live & work in USA. It bases my true story in meeting them and knowing them. Also I give them the simple tips/inputs before giving the decision to live & work in Uncle Sam Country in this article.
My great thanks to Mang Ucup who has invited me becoming a Writer there.
Please, let me know if there is someone needs to read it in English.
Enjoy my article.........
My regards,
Posted by Fida Abbott at 12:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Others
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A Board Message for Mang Ucup
Yesteday I got the books from Mang Ucup. I was so surprised because he sent me not only his new hit book THE MANG UCUP CODE but he also sent me another his first hit book GEREJA DUIT Vs GEREJA ALLAH (The Money Church Vs The God Church). I think these books are the Christmas presents from him. Thanks alot Mang Ucup for your generousity.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 12:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Others
Thursday, December 14, 2006
10 Days Before Christmas
What do you wish for Christmas????
If you ask me back then I should answer it.
I wish someday I want to be a Secret Santa. It will be very unique because I am a female so I should think how designing my costume but the most important thing is how I share the Christmas gift to everybody who really need it. Because of as my position right now as a Director of Ariel, Inc hasn't been enough yet to effort it so I may have another wish, I will win a very big sweeptakes someday. Before I begin to do the activity as a Secret Santa, I will buy a new big car that can load my whole family, my husband and my 4 children to help me giving the Christmas Gift. We will celebrate the Christmas with the Homeless people, the Orphan Children and the old people in Nursing Home. I will remind them about the most important message in celebrating Christmas. It is not about the visible presents they get but the invisible present, the Christmas spirit should come to their heart too. It is not only for every Christmas every year but everyday could be Christmas day in their life. We will also sing the Christmas Carol together and my son may play his guitar. Maybe my youngest daughter can be a Christmas Dancer and everybody can dance with her too. I also bring my homemade Christmas cake and Christmas cookies then my husband may make the delicious mix drinks to them. I also asked them what they wish for next year Christmas and I will make a list to them then we may come back again next year to celebrate Christmas together.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Others
Monday, December 11, 2006
I WIN, I WIN !!!!!
Today is my special day. I got an email this morning that informed I won a KUIZ from Mang Ucup. Yuhuuuui!!!! I will get a new popular book from Mang Ucup directly from him as he is a Top Writer from Indonesia who lives in Netherland now. His new book title will be sent to me is THE MANG UCUP CODE (read more at THE MANG UCUP CODE)
He wrote, it had been 887 persons followed his Kuiz and only 15 persons would be choosen by withdrawal if the senders more than 15 persons. I think I am a lucky one. I can not wait to read it. Thanks Mang!!
Posted by Fida Abbott at 11:51 AM 4 comments
Labels: Achievement
(Denias : The Hum on The Cloud )
Denias, is an Indonesian Movie based from a true story. It is about A Papua boy who was trying hard to be able go to school. His Mom always said that he had to go to school because the mountain was afraid with the children who went to school and afraid with the smart children.
Denias was a farmer’s son who left in Kampung Arwanop, Papua (Indonesia). The Fire accident made him loosing his Mom who at that time becaming his life supporter. It hadn’t been longer yet his sadness was gone, he had to be back getting sadness. He could not go to school again because his teacher had to be back to Java island. Beside his Mom, also his teacher had opened his eyes if Papua children could be un-isolated children/modern children.
He was so glad when his good friend, Maleo, an Indonesia Soldier wanted to help him in studying although there weren’t a teacher taught him at that time. The most important science he gave him was Introduction of Indonesia Map. But it wasn’t long enough, Maleo had to leave Kampung Arwanop for the other duty out of Papua area.
Denias had to face the reality that he was just a son of a farmer and wasn’t a son of the Tribe Chief. It was only the son of the Tribe Chief could get the high education. But with his strong heart and his strong will power could lose everything. Through his hard efforts, He could conquer the mountain so he could go to school at the city. Now, Denias is in the second class at a Senior High School in Darwin, Australia.
Alenia Pictures & EC Entertainment presents Alenia Productions :
“Denias : Senandung Di Atas Awan”
Top Actors and Actress :
Starring Albert Fakdawer is as Denias
Ari Sihasale, Michael Jakarimilena, Marcella Zalianty, Nia Sihasale Zulkarnaen
Cinematography Arr : Yudi Datau
Editor : Andhy Pulung
Artistic Arr : Budi Riyanto Karung
Voice Arr : Dwi Budi Priyanto, Adityawan Susanto
Music Arr : Dian HP
Scenario : Jeremias Nyagoen, Masree Ruliat, Monty Tiwa, John de Rantau
Producer Executive : Ingrid Pribadi, Nia Sihasale Zulkarnaen
Producer : Ari Sihasale
Stage Manager : John de Rantau
Sources :
Wing of Heart
Sinema Indonesia
*This movie sounds a great movie for me. It has been as a movie of the year in Indonesia for this year. For family and friends who know how I can get this movie (DVD) please, let me know. Thank you.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 11:20 AM 2 comments
Labels: Entertainment
Friday, December 08, 2006
JAWA POS is my favorite daily newspaper in Indonesia. I am very amazed with the personnels who have been involved there. With up and down situation they had, now JAWA POS can be a TOP daily newspaper in Indonesia. I still remember when I was in Junior High School - Senior High School knowing this newspaper was almost closed but with the extraordinary and talented persons in Journalist and Management with having briliant ideas and management followed with great efforts, now JAWA POS has attended to give the best for Indonesia Journalistic.
To know more about Jawa Pos, visit Jawa Pos Profil. You can choose in Indonesian, Chinese or English with clicking on the top right options.
Posted by Fida Abbott at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Information
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I am the Grass Fragance Type. I have very strong will, not dependent on others & give an impression of being alone-ranger. I am extremely curious & sensual, living a clear-headed, modern life. At first glance I place myself on a pedestal & am difficult to get along. But once others talk to me, they know I am easy going. And when the relationship develops, they realize I am affable. I am an androgynous charm, which makes me popular with all genders but I don't like my weak side to be seen. I might look cool on the surface but beneath it all. I am really pasionate. Only people who know my true self can maintain a long-lasting relationship with me.
(The result of personality test above is almost match with my real personality than other several personality test I ever tried before. That is why I might recommend this personality test to all of the visitors in my Blog who are interested to know more about their personality. Just send me an email then I will send The Magic World Test to you)
Posted by Fida Abbott at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Labels: Entertainment